About me and my journey on fitness

By Joelani - 2:58 PM

In 2010 I went on a trip with colleagues from the job I had at that moment. I graduate the year before so it was my first professional experience. It was a lovely one, but along the way I let it control my energy levels. I became too lazy and stopped training. The results were too bad! And it was only during the trip that I realized it. Only after a colleague sent me some pictures of me at the pool that I said Sh**t who is this guy? But Hey what did I expect after a year of not going to gym and eating only junk food?
3 or 4 months after that I quit my job to pursue my studies as a software engineer. At the same time
I decided to start doing bodybuilding. I wanted muscles, abs, biceps...and to lose fat, all at the same
time. Well, after 2 months I knew I needed more knowledge in this field, yet I had no idea how to get it.
But you know when you want something so bad, the universe will conspire to get you that! The first
year back to studies I met someone who not only became a best friend, but also became a coach
and initiated me to almost everything I know now about fitness. I followed his program for the next 6
months, and the results were pretty amazing! I lost 20 pounds of fat! The one part that was lacking at
moment was nutrition. Well! I was a student and I was broke, so I couldn’t afford rice and chicken all
the days. It was all good and the training was great, the results were slow but they were enjoyable.

UNTIL a bad thing happened! Something very BAD really! Ok it is just a joke, not that bad. I just
decided to have a “Break” from the gym and guess what happened? I became what we call skinny-fat.
You know! Skinny is bad, fat is also bad, but skinny-fat is very very very bad! So I went back to
the gym, started training again, eating healthy and adopting a better lifestyle. I lost weight, I gained
muscles and started enjoying looking at myself in the mirror.

UNTIL a bad thing happened! I think you know what is coming next...I didn’t this every year for 6
years, from 2011 to 2017. Every year, I’m fat, I hate my body so I start training and eating healthy
until I get decent results, then I stop and I go back to point zero! I did it over and over and
everytime I had a “real and solid” reason.

Actually it was only me not being patient enough to continue and reach my real goals. I was making excuses to not keep working out because I was afraid to never reach the ideal I had in my mind. I had big dreams but not enough commitment nor perseverance to reach them.

If you have to learn anything from this article is that time will pass either you are working on your dreams or not. It is better to work hard for your goals and not achieve them than to start and stop everytime you don’t like the results!

Next article we will talk about what happened after 2017! Stay tuned!

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